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phil herranen phil herranen is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 44
  1. gogoshark
    01-11-2022 04:54 PM
    Please share and subscribe
    Thank you

  2. phil herranen
    08-24-2017 10:34 AM
    phil herranen
    I am no longer on this site do not message me here I will not see it
  3. freediver4life
    01-17-2017 04:25 PM
    Hey Phil! I recently got done applying teak oil to a solid teak stock. But after taking out on a test dive, I noticed a hairline crack coming through where I screwed in the front loop guide. The crack is about 3 - 1/2 inches long running through the screw holes of the front loop guide. I initially applied your 2 part epoxy to try and get much of it back into the screw holes and over the crack. At this point I'm a little hesitant of leaving the gun with an oil finish and am leaning towards doing it with your 2 part epoxy with a matte finish. My question is...Do I sand off most of the oil finish..Or can I still apply the epoxy over the stock with it oiled up? I appreciate any help. Thank you for your time.

  4. samba
    07-20-2016 11:50 PM
    Heh, I have to tell you, your name, in the finnish language:
    Herra = Sir
    ...nen = Small
    So thats smallSir and it a common surname in Finland? Got your roots here?
  5. Grizzlestomp
    03-24-2015 12:52 PM
    Phil, I was wondering if you could sell me a large volume of your clarified epoxy. I've been using this stuff for my speargun builds and realized how great it is for all my woodworking projects (I mix it with powdered metals and shell for sculpture/furniture).

    Let me know if you would be willing to sell a large volume, how much it would cost, and how to pay. I live in LA (90025 zip). I've bought about 6 small quantities from Neptonics and its just not that efficient.

    John Akerblom
  6. BlueSteel
    11-08-2014 06:03 AM
    hey phil. quick question. i have a 73" SSPC 6 band 3/8" shaft. Could I use a 11/32" shaft in the 3/8 enclosed track with 4 bands. Or should I buy another UHMW track in the same size. Sent this question the other day but it didnt show as sent. Sorry if it came through twice.
  7. eward4
    08-20-2014 05:22 PM
    Ok. Thanks for the advice Phil!
  8. phil herranen
    08-20-2014 04:24 PM
    phil herranen
    zebra wood is very unstable , it really likes to twist and warp . if you use it for the entire gun use very thin lams (1/4" or thinner) zebra is best used as a outside lam for looks
  9. eward4
    08-20-2014 02:44 PM
    Phil, I hope you're doing well. I just picked up a bunch of Zebrawood for a good deal. Have you ever built a gun completely out of the stuff? I'm thinking about doing it and just wanted to get your thoughts and any pointers on Zebrawood since I've never used it before. Thanks in advance for any info!
  10. freeride
    12-05-2012 02:12 AM
    Thanks a lot for the offer. I guess guy must have heard about the shit storm and contacted my buddy and shipped out his gun fixed. I didn't realize what that post was going to turn into. I deleted it. Thanks anyway -Joe

About Me

  • About phil herranen
    freediveing for about 18 years
    santa cruz
    hvac contractor ,surfboard shaper/glaser,gun builder
  • Signature

    frv owners discount http://spearboard.com/showthread.php?t=134606


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  • Last Activity: 08-24-2017 11:57 PM
  • Join Date: 04-06-2007


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