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LabMan LabMan is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 19 of 19
  1. polarbear
    03-10-2011 10:48 PM
    Would love too. Do you need a ride. I find out about HI 3/15/2011. They keep pushing the date. Hey, when are we going to dive together again. I thought we were friends. Dove with John 2 weekends ago CAT. Good time.
  2. LabMan
    11-13-2010 11:30 PM
    Santa Cruz: yah
    Mexico: yah, yah, yah!!!
  3. polarbear
    11-11-2010 06:32 PM
    things have been good. Hoping to get out to Santa Cruz again. Probalby not until spring. Do you want me to through up a post when we go. Also mexico, ensenada was off the hook last fall. going back next spring. Are you interested??? wac wac wac I don't know where I went after the 9/9/10 - nothing overly exiting, lust local.
  4. polarbear
    09-26-2010 08:31 PM
    Went to mexico the last two weekends and it was wide open white sea bass, very nice. Going to try to make a Santa Cruz Island trip towards the end of the month. The rumor is there are wsb. Are you interested??? Maybe some lobster as well.

  5. Bwano
    05-10-2010 11:48 AM
    no morels.water rough today. gonna just wash boat
  6. polarbear
    02-27-2010 01:51 AM
    I am planning on being there the next Wednesday through Saturday. My little girl has track meets Monday and Tuesday so I can't make the weekend before. Have fun. wac wac wac If you get down this way this spring or summer let me know and we can take in a weekend at Santa Cruz or Catalina. wac wac wac
  7. polarbear
    02-25-2010 11:45 PM
    Going to be in your neck of the woods April 6-9 ab diving. If you have time it would be nice to get in a dive together. wac wac wac
  8. Louie
    05-19-2009 09:07 PM
  9. matt mattison
    05-15-2009 04:42 PM
    matt mattison
    Howdy there brian just adding you to my friend list.


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  • Last Activity: 08-17-2017 11:05 PM
  • Join Date: 03-16-2006


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