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seawolf seawolf is offline

Winter Is Always Here

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 16
  1. Devildiver
    01-25-2012 07:24 PM
    Good deal buddy. I also sent out an invite to Laurance, hopefully he doesn't have to work. Do you want to dive Sat and Sun? I sure as hell do!
  2. Devildiver
    01-23-2012 10:35 PM
    Hey killer, let's go kill some fish! I'm planning on heading to Newport on the 3rd of Feb and will be there Sat and Sun. You should come down and hunt with me for both days. we'll kill some fish Sat, fry em up that night with some beers, and be ready to go the next day!
  3. dahunter
    03-08-2011 11:40 PM
    3 posts till 666
  4. Devildiver
    09-17-2010 06:01 PM
    Hey Buddy, how's the residency program treating you? I'm back in country and ready to do some diving. Let me know when you've got a free weekend and we'll see if we can't make something happen. The lings should be biting here shortly
  5. Devildiver
    07-17-2010 08:27 PM
    Hola from way down South. Thought Iīd stop by and say hi. I took a little bus trip today to a town called Mountaņita on the coast. I was looking out the window of my hotel when a guy comes by on a bycicle with a wheelbarrow attached to the front filled with fish. I went down to see them up close, and when I came near, I couldnīt help but notice the speargun and dive fins! I start talking to the guy, and it turns out he`s got 3 spearguns. I only came down with snorkeling gear, so it`s perfect. I`m coming back next weekend to shoot some fish! Oh, and by the way, they were snook... 20+ pounds a piece!!! I`ll post a report when I`m done killing em. Hope the program is going well buddy.

  6. Devildiver
    03-19-2010 01:23 AM
    Hey man, I can't find that post about the tournament in Mex... Where's it at?
  7. Kelsea
    02-20-2010 02:00 AM
    Tyson, we have only a few cases left of the Calendars - Mike Luzanski at Freediving Unlimited.com has the remaining 4 cases. Order through Paul and we'll make sure to save ya one bro. If you want, I can maybe get Laura to sign it for ya. ;]
  8. Devildiver
    01-06-2010 01:13 AM
    bummer dude, hit and run or x girlfriend?
  9. Devildiver
    01-06-2010 12:51 AM
    Hey buddy, I'll be in Newport this weekend, Friday afternoon through Sunday evening. I will be shooting some fish if you're game. This is the best way to get ahold of me as I've yet to get my cell phone back from U.S. Airways.
  10. Devildiver
    12-30-2009 01:56 AM
    Ready to do some diving? I left my phone in Mexico, but shoot me a PM.

About Me

  • About seawolf
    ocean fanatic
    Freediving, fishing(spear and regular style), kayaking
    Reaming and obturating tight lubricated orifices(in teeth, what else?)
    Spearfishing Clubs
    LA Fat Homers
    Make/Model of Boat
    21' Trophy Bayliner, Cobra Fish'n'Dive,Ocean kayak Scrambler
    Home Port
    Dana Point
  • Signature


Total Posts
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General Information
  • Last Activity: 01-10-2025 10:28 PM
  • Join Date: 09-24-2003


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