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muddog357 muddog357 is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
  1. Andrew Makely
    02-04-2012 02:03 PM
    Andrew Makely
    Hello My name is Andrew, I am trying to get in touch with aquaman02. He made a post a few years ago about a condition he has from eating clams with cig. My wife has the same condition and any information we can get about it will help. I see you are on his friends list and if you know him personally can you have him email me at makelymyday@hotmail.com? I know this request is strange but we are desperate to try and solve this problem. Thanks!
  2. Alkilla
    11-12-2011 04:07 PM
    what up ur still working at sport chalet?
  3. N 2 DEEP
    06-24-2009 07:09 AM
    N 2 DEEP
    Nice shot of that bug! How much did it weigh? Where did you catch it?
  4. woodshooter
    06-15-2009 05:37 PM
    i see
    how is the diving up there?
  5. yevgenb
    06-14-2009 11:32 AM
    What the heck is going on here? I didn't write this
  6. woodshooter
    06-13-2009 08:47 PM
    sup budd are you in florida or in the west palm area?
  7. freeflow85
    06-13-2009 08:04 PM
    Hi Muddog,

    How are you? Nice bug in picture. I am new to this forum stuff & tried to download picture of me and my bug but it didn't work!!! I am an avid diver from NJ; in fact gotta go load the truck for tomorrow's dive. I crew on a dive boat and tomorrow we have no customers and get to go out for fun on a crew dive. I usually use a pole spear here in NJ but am getting ready for a trip to NC so I may practice with my spear gun.

    Take care,


About Me

  • About muddog357
    The dive life is so awesome that I quit my real job and started doing in-water bottom jobs on boats just so I could be in the water all the time. I was spending 8 hours a day in the water 5/6 days a week and loving it :) 'till I got a bad bronchial i
    cocoa florida
  • Signature
    My pirate name is:

    Iron William Flint
    A pirate's life isn't easy; it takes a tough person.


Total Posts
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General Information
  • Last Activity: 08-19-2010 06:58 PM
  • Join Date: 06-06-2009


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