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JonChoy JonChoy is offline

formerly cab'n&ab'n azn

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8
  1. scottfish12
    01-31-2011 09:57 PM
    hey dude just noticed that you posted a pic of an AUV that you found in Monterey. Just wanted to double check with you that you returned/called the number on it so that whoever owns it can get it. plus they usually give you a pretty nice finders fee. More likely is that you did return it and I was wondering if it was the Cal poly AUV as I just took that class and the prof was super stoked that he got one of his lost ones back. If thats the case just wanted to let you know that it was appreciated by many and that the model is being shipped around the world for different research projects.

  2. SeaRanchAbLingr
    06-23-2010 09:41 PM
    You guys going this weekend huh? Brian and I are headed up tomorrow for an early am balls to the wall quickie-out of town by 4 am back by 10. We'll let you know how it is, although swell is supposed to get worse by the weekend. Let us know if you ever wanna come with us, too.

  3. Bill McIntyre
    06-20-2010 12:17 PM
    Bill McIntyre
    I just noticed my name here. Was I directly addressed with a question about the Riedel gun? If so, I don't recall it. Maybe I missed it because I was actually out spearfishing rather than writing long history lessons. If I had seen the question, I probably would have replied that I don't really know anything about the Riedel gun. I recall the name, but that's it. Unlike Sam, I don't claim to know everything about every person and every brand from decades ago. I'm more focused on today's guns and diving today. I don't drive a Model-T either. Maybe when I'm as old as Sam, I'll spend all my time living in the past, but for now I'm struggling to live in the present.

    Sam, if you want make snide comments about me with no fear of response, it would be better to use the Private Message feature.
  4. baja haha
    05-29-2010 09:01 AM
    baja haha
    Billy Mac never spoke up? I am surprised! he is so darn verbose on every subject- 25000+ posts!!!! -didn't reply to your request? Shame on him!

    I could have answered with minimum verbosity but great accuracy as to history, models, cost etc, but you specificly asked Billy Mac and didn't want to step on Billy Macs delicate fins ?

    The Gun has GREAT Historical significance...It was a Sturgil designed gun...Do you know who Charlie Sturgil was? He predated the Bottom Scratchers--won the 1951 international spearfishing meet with a pole spear! - I was in the same club with him and dove with him often - He was one of the greatest divers I have ever met or dove he will answer with even greater verbosity..At least 25000 words or less.

    Keep n contact with the seller...he may want to sell it in the future..I would use it as a wall hanging gun.. it is not a shooter in todays world.

    Good luck and good diving!

    ps-- May 31, 1951 I made my first SCUBA Dive!
  5. baja haha
    05-12-2010 04:04 PM
    baja haha
    Did Billy Mac reply about the Riedel gun?

    If not ask him again...

    If no reply from Billy Mac, possibly I can provide the answers..

  6. JonChoy
    04-08-2010 12:16 AM
    Thanks, I didn't know the brand was only 20yrs old. Guess it doesn't have as much historical value as I thought.
  7. baja haha
    04-07-2010 07:43 PM
    baja haha
    RE Riedel gun;
    See my post this
    AM-- perhaps later??
  8. Kirby
    12-22-2009 03:07 PM
    Great to meet you too! Its all about the video...I just can't seem to take as much as I'd like. I always want more footage when I get home but when I am in the water I seem to always forget about the camera.

    Let me know if you are ever up in Humboldt or down in San Diego!

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  • About JonChoy
    San Francisco
    Diving, Fishing, Sleeping
    Graduate Student


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  • Last Activity: 05-04-2020 01:22 PM
  • Join Date: 09-24-2009


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