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roosterman9 roosterman9 is offline

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  1. Newbspearfisher
    06-30-2014 12:29 PM
    Was that you with your first Striper in the RI bluewater meet photo?

    If so congrats man!
  2. pzlicious
    11-01-2013 11:11 AM
    I have the large Mako gear bag and it is almost new. I used it 2x and never put anything salty back in it! Now, I just throw my stuff into a bucket, and the back of my truck. I will sell it if you are interested.
  3. Crusty Old Dive
    03-03-2012 06:00 PM
    Crusty Old Dive
    MRW is having that party next weekend. I spoke to his wife and it is also his 50th birthday that week. So she wanted us to bring him some gag gifts and such. His wife is providing a cake. Kinda a surprise.
  4. FishTracks
    08-08-2011 10:18 PM
    you will love it there. VHouse is a very nice place. Make sure to visit the Palapa Bar and bring your bathing suit and thirst. Scott and Jodi are owners. Another great place to eat is capricorn.....take water taxi where ever you go North of the cut. Road sucks.

    normally spend 4 weeks per yr there pending schedule ......have fun

About Me

  • About roosterman9
    Newport, RI
    Construction Sales
    Spearfishing Clubs
    Tri State Skindivers


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  • Last Activity: 08-31-2023 08:07 PM
  • Join Date: 11-16-2010


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