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Jhento Jhento is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. hockeydiver
    09-17-2012 06:18 PM
    Hi there, I live in East Brunswick and wondered were do you live in Middlesex?

  2. G MAN
    07-12-2011 04:34 AM
    G MAN
    That's the spirit. If ya ever scrap together enough coinage to get this way, all good. Any spearo from the home state with a good attitude will always have a spot on my boat and all the help I can offer to "local" knowledge.
  3. G MAN
    07-08-2011 05:38 AM
    G MAN
    Hey man, whats been happening with your diving? Have you got a chance to pull the trigger and put something into the eskie (cooler) yet? Whatever you do, DON'T GET DISCOURAGED!! You're trying to learn the game in one of the most difficult areas of the US coast due to lack of vis, lack of structure and 6 months of farking freezing water...
    Hope you have had a few dives with a result and are hooking up with some blokes who can help ya along.
  4. Dberry78
    06-12-2011 12:19 PM
    Howd you make out. I didnt know it was illegal to have a speargun on the beach in some towns, we do it all from a boat. Not trying to get you in trouble. Anyway, if the waters still clear im gonna TRY to get out monday or tuesday, as long as I can borrow my buddys boat. If your out before then a vis report would be greatly appreciated, i know the winds shifted a few times since the last time i was out.

About Me

  • About Jhento
    live in nj - i am an IT recruiter.
    asbury park NJ
    surfing, fishing, snowboarding, biking, running, sports, eating, sleeping, and laughing.
    your mother
    Make/Model of Boat
    Sun Dolphin Pro
    Home Port
    Wagners NJ


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 06-19-2021 08:19 PM
  • Join Date: 12-06-2010


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