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catalina jay catalina jay is offline

Isthmus Shaggy Dive Club

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 11
  1. Joshua R.
    12-16-2015 11:29 PM
    Joshua R.
    Freshwater spearing is open from May 1 to September 15. Only legal to spear stripers in the inland valley district. I've done it a couple times but there are others with far more knowledge than me. We try a couple times a year but not really seriously. We're gearing up to get more serious this year though.
  2. divenfish
    11-05-2014 12:29 PM
    My bottom line is $650 plus shipping, no trades. I already have a Wong 55", thanks!
  3. brianmh13
    05-19-2012 03:16 AM
    Hey I posted the ad about wanting to get some guys to go in on an order of wetsuits. The plan went awry when I found out that a company has exclusive distribution in the US and they wouldn't sell them to me factory direct right? Well the company Nautilus that is importing these said that he could maybe hook a few of us up with deals. He asked that we cover the shipping cost and import tax and give Nautilus word of mouth in exchange. I just PM'd him tonight. Sound good?
  4. fishmanjohn
    07-27-2011 03:10 AM
    ok ill go with nick to that triton group dive good luck with the job
  5. catalina jay
    07-23-2011 02:02 AM
    catalina jay
    How about we meet at 10 at carmel river, and we will look at the conditions and decide what we want to do. I don't need a ride, Melissa has to go to Carmel to talk with her Aunt about work stuff, but thanks for the offer.
  6. fishmanjohn
    07-22-2011 02:58 PM
    there was alot of sea palms at carmel river with rock fish just above i bet lings would hide below and maybe the chance for a halibut in the sandy areas or we could try otter cove in pg i hear there are lings there ... oh and nick i can give you a ride if you need it
    07-21-2011 03:10 PM
    Sounds good I was already planning on diving sunday somewhere in Carmel..conditions look good.
  8. gnofauhsoj
    07-21-2011 12:49 PM
    I'm finishing up my scuba class this weekend. I was thinking about going afterwards since I'm already going to be down there, but that might be around 2-3 but I'm not sure. You'll probably be out of the water by then.
  9. catalina jay
    07-20-2011 09:36 PM
    catalina jay
    not sure, was thinking about carmel river beach, any suggestions? Was there good structure for lings there, rocks etc.? I haven't dove there yet, but I haven't really dove anywhere in PG or Monterey either besides Del Monte. I wanna go somewhere good, where no one else has been lately. LOL, and somewhere I haven't been.
  10. fishmanjohn
    07-20-2011 08:27 PM
    sweet sunday is god for me where at?

About Me

  • About catalina jay
    Spearfishing, Freediving
    Spearfishing Clubs
    Isthmus Shaggy Dive Club


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 09-20-2016 11:18 PM
  • Join Date: 12-20-2010


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