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LabMan LabMan is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 19
  1. Bwano
    02-24-2013 01:11 PM
  2. polarbear
    08-30-2011 10:41 PM
    Where are you. I heard you moved to the east coast. I went to mexico last weekend and shot a few yellows it was fun.

    Next time you are around let me know and we can kill a few???
  3. rambofishsniper
    08-30-2011 09:18 PM
    having trouble getting in my email... have fun out there.. u diving or just chilling when u go.. member let me know to help u with the move ok
  4. LabMan
    08-30-2011 07:47 PM
    I emailed you. I'm flying to California for the weekend.
  5. rambofishsniper
    08-30-2011 07:46 PM
    i was thinking we should hit new port or Narragansett maybe weatherill wat u think
  6. rambofishsniper
    08-30-2011 07:30 PM
    wats the plan for this weekend bro
  7. LabMan
    08-18-2011 09:19 PM
    Whoa that was fast! Working on gear now too! Call you manana.
  8. rambofishsniper
    08-18-2011 08:46 PM
    hell yea bro lets get it i got ur weight done
  9. polarbear
    03-19-2011 09:41 PM
    That would be great. I think I will use the curved lens to start. How do you like to flat lens. Does it to a better job???

    When are we going diving.

    My address is 37774 Oxford Drive, Murrieta, CA

    I am looking at the pease in May to either cortez banks or Santa rosa.

    If you can mail the lens that would be fabulous!!!!!

  10. LabMan
    03-11-2011 12:45 AM
    Say when. Need an excuse. Have not shot much less seen a wsb in a couple years.


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  • Last Activity: 08-17-2017 11:05 PM
  • Join Date: 03-16-2006


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