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Wahooooo! Wahooooo! is offline

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  1. Saltyseadog
    05-27-2012 08:08 AM
    Hi Bruce, are you on facebook?

  2. G MAN
    07-13-2011 08:40 PM
    G MAN
    Hey Bruce, whats been happening? Any diving down there? Vis here is marginal and just a touch of swell. Just possible for a headland scratch but I've been busy with other things. Been trying to sell my boat at the moment, there is a week long linefishing comp on here in town and about 750 entrants, so I've had my boat on the side of the road by the boat ramp the last few days. (I'm upgrading to a larger boat )

    Getting any fish/surf down there?
  3. G MAN
    06-15-2011 10:43 PM
    G MAN
    Hey man send us an email and I'll send you back some pics of some of the local goodies.
  4. Wahooooo!
    04-07-2010 05:45 AM
    Thanks for the encouraging words nigelr!!! I too am a family man so I hope we can coordinate our schedules and get in the water together.
  5. nigelr
    04-05-2010 06:38 PM
    Port is a great spot to base yourself. One hours' drive north or south will put you on some of the best spearing ground in NSW.
    The local vis and fish numbers have improved markedly since New Years', the next 3 months are generally the best of the year in this area.
    If you are diving with MF and the Riffe crew from Wolgoolga, you will be with the best divers around! Call in to Coffs Coast Spearfishing on the Pacific Highway in Coffs Harbour and talk to Gavin Smithers, what he doesn't know about what's happening locally isn't worth knowing.
    Cheers and enjoy your stay!

About Me

  • About Wahooooo!
    Freediver, Surfer, Woodworker, Traveler
    Graveyard of the Atlantic, NC
    Making spearguns & furniture, surfing
    Make/Model of Boat
    Some day
    Home Port
  • Signature
    Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after. ~Henry David Thoreau



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General Information
  • Last Activity: 07-24-2019 12:07 PM
  • Join Date: 05-10-2006


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