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Keysdivers Keysdivers is offline


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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9
  1. Keysdivers
    06-11-2016 04:35 AM
    You need a few things. Minimum of 120cf back gas, 30cf deco bottle, 3 gas computer. Not something to just do. All diving is solo, so you need to be confident and self sufficient.
  2. Ignacio
    06-10-2016 12:55 PM
    bad ass, thats deep, im down to try it, do we need special gear? my bigest tank is 100cf steel, would i need a special air blend?
  3. ReefCrusader
    02-24-2014 06:31 PM
    Freediver sir, I think I've talked to you before!
  4. Keysdivers
    08-05-2013 02:11 PM
    Maiden trip on Dirty Diver yesterday. Now I really know things that need to be tweaked.
  5. jetlag
    08-04-2013 01:57 PM
    This week has turned south on me also. Spent all day yesterday buying a car, working wens thurs, and taking out charter divers fri and sat. Week after looks better tho.
  6. TangoMike
    03-05-2013 09:45 AM
    Scuba on Nitrox. So 100 feet or so.
  7. guyer2007
    04-05-2011 03:42 PM
    My experience is limited to free diving in freshwater with sling spears. As for fish, i would be interested in catching anything bigger then your typical schooly, i mean bigger is always better and the snapper down there look like alot of fun. I grew up fly fishing in rivers and ive always wanted to spear fish and figured if im in key west i should probably look into it.
  8. Keysdivers
    06-16-2010 04:55 PM
    I'm not looking for a motor?
  9. rundropslide2
    06-16-2010 11:06 AM
    Hey man, whats your number? I come across motors all the time...

About Me

  • About Keysdivers
    Wreck Junkie
    Marathon,Florida Keys
    Spearfishing / Diving
    Spearfishing Clubs
    Make/Model of Boat
    Seacat SL5
    Home Port
    Marathon, Fla.


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 04-23-2018 06:24 AM
  • Join Date: 09-16-2006


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