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MParker8200 MParker8200 is offline

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  1. muttonluvr
    08-27-2014 05:30 AM
    Shoot me your phone #and I will text you a pic.... Jp
  2. chaseJax
    08-18-2014 02:18 PM
    the main dude is steve on the native diver out of mayport. safe trips and will take you to some good public numbers. Good place to start
  3. chaseJax
    08-13-2014 03:26 PM
    Hey man. Saw your post about a gun in Jax. Don't listen to most of these guys. they're all assholes and want to be trolls. Some dudes are good, but 80% of them think they're freaking doctors in diving. I have a buddy that has a brand new JBL that would be good for you, that koah though is a solid price for an awesome gun. Pretty sure the JBL is a 38" or 90cm and he would sell it around $330. They retail for around $380. send him a text 904-671-5090. His name is will. Tell him Chase told you to text him about the JBL.

    A good size is 40-46 for scuba here and shorter. Lots of wrecks and ledges so anything super long will get in the way. Viz here isn't amazing either, average is 20-30 feet but laterly its been 50 foot plus. Not sure how familiar you are with the area but if you have any questions let me know. I've been commercial fishing out of here all my life and got into freediving about 3 years ago and started shooting fish. What brought you to Jax? Military?

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  • About MParker8200
    Jacksonville, FL
    Insurance Sales


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  • Last Activity: 08-10-2017 10:28 AM
  • Join Date: 07-31-2014

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