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2013 USOA National Championship at Newport RI- August 1, 2013 The Under Water Society of America (USOA) has sanctioned MassFreeDivers to host this prestigious event.

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Old 02-22-2013, 06:23 PM   #1
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Join Date: May 2012
Location: Foxboro, MA
Posts: 152
Kayaks for nationals

Hi all,
There is always a demand for kayaks for nationals competitors coming from out of state. Like in '08, we're putting together a list of available kayaks. If you aren't competing or have an extra kayak and are willing to rent it out for scouting and the tournament, send me a message to natkayak@cox.net.

Pleas include the following:
1. Name
2. Phone #
3. Email
4. Kayak Model
5. Paddle?
6. Rudder?
7. PDF?
8. Anchor?
9. Other details.

If you have more than one kayak repeat items 4 through 9.

We'll compile a list and put it on the website. Competitors will contact you directly and you can work out the details.

My 2 cents...keep the change
andrey13 is offline   Reply With Quote


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