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Memorials and Condolences for Diver Passings This forum is intended for Rest in Peace Threads where we as a community offer condolences and memorialize those diver who have passed away. Safety, Accidents and Incidents discussion has a separate forum.

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Old 01-02-2019, 10:42 AM   #1
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Unhappy RIP - Charlie Young: Tributes for music producer killed in free-diving accident

Charlie Young: Tributes for music producer killed in free-diving accident


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Old 01-02-2019, 12:45 PM   #2
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Re: RIP - Charlie Young: Tributes for music producer killed in free-diving accident

Sad news. Sorry to hear about this.

It sounds like he possibly freedove down, took a breath off of a friend's SCUBA regulator then ascended. In case there is anyone reading this post who doesn't know, you can't do that.

I don't know what happened, so not trying to armchair quarterback here. Just please, never mix freediving and SCUBA.

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Old 01-02-2019, 02:39 PM   #3
popgun pete
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Re: RIP - Charlie Young: Tributes for music producer killed in free-diving accident

Originally Posted by Powers View Post
Sad news. Sorry to hear about this.

It sounds like he possibly freedove down, took a breath off of a friend's SCUBA regulator then ascended. In case there is anyone reading this post who doesn't know, you can't do that.

I don't know what happened, so not trying to armchair quarterback here. Just please, never mix freediving and SCUBA.

Tragic if that was the cause, however it stresses the importance of education for all divers, freediving and scuba. Make sure young divers are given a book on the basics of diving with a section on scuba which need not be extensive, but covers basic physiology and the effects of gases in the body and increased pressure. There are plenty of them available which are a quick read and can serve as an intro to more comprehensive books on the subject which can be read later and then the diver will still be around to do so.
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