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Old 06-10-2008, 09:26 PM   #1
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I've been asked by Virgili to bring our conversation of the last few months public and on the forums.
This is not only my opinion but those of many and I would like to think we are looking out for the good of our sport worldwide.

Hi Cameron,
I guess you red the info about the 1st CR open 09...
It would be great if you could take part to the tournament, your experienced presence is obviously welcome.
I plan to invite guest divers during the ( Dec 2009 or Jan 2010 ) 2nd edition wich will gather about 40 spearos . I would like that you be one of the 3 or 4 guests; in this event we take care of your whole stay and your entry is free.
I can't afford this proposition for the 1st edition because of a to tighed budget.
Despite the open will be held in 7 months, about 3/4 divers are soon "in".
Anyway let me know if you are interested, Philippe


I appreciate your invitation and would love to have the opportunity to spear all of those species of fish but feel very strongly about the problems that will arise from such a tournament in Costa Rica.
I sent you an email a while back and have forwarded it here:

I got this email from GR Tarr and like the idea of the
tournament in Central America but am very worried
about one in this location and the species you have
Costa Rica is the strongest proponents of Catch and
Release fishing in the World and we have been very
lucky in that we are still able to shoot Tuna there
for the past fifteen years. Anyone that has ever
speared there has passed up countless opportunities to
shoot world record Marlin and sailfish but due to the
fragile nature of the Spearfishing reputation down
there with the charter Captains has let them swim by.

I speak for a large group of divers who would very
much like to see this fishery continue and keep the
Fishing community off of our back so that we can enjoy
shooting these big tunas.
Trolling for billfish with a seasoned captain and then
shooting them off of teasers from the surface is a far
cry from the reward of spending 100+ days in the
bluewater and finally having and encounter with one of
these great fish and using your innate skill to bring
them close enough for a well placed shot.
Best of luck with this event but we urge you to
seriously think about the repercussions shooting and
advertising shooting of billfish will have with the
spearfishing community.
Cameron Kirkconnell

Did'nt get your e-mail?
Thank,s for your pertinent remarks
Feel free to open this stimulating debate in the Open thread.
As you know, there are not any sfishing reg in CR.
I chose a specific spot in Costa Rica: an about 80 miles coast relatively isolated where there are not any marina. To find sport fishing boat was a headache. Paradoxically it is the best CR spot and, in my opinion, the best central america bwh/ fishing spot
Closest marina are far away: north flamingo and south los suenios at 3- 4 hours boat.
Prior organizing the open I have been making for years several discussion with the local pro fisherman who do fishing pelagic/ bilfish there and I got a positive feedback, they support us.
I could not obviously organize something without the local pro/ population support. They are pretty more worried/ angry about the huge cargo which do drifnet fishing at 40 miles off the coast...
Catching billfish by trolling during the open will be discussed with the participants during the cpt meeting and I will probably suggest to organize this technic only during one of the 5 days comp (or not) and after I get the Sheri and Roberto experienced opinion...
I met on the place half of the about fifteen marlin encountered by using flasher and making some repetitive noise with the bands of the gun...
This spot is incredible!
I'm not sure this annual event should have a bad impact on the perception of bwh.
Thank's for giving me back your feeling about this
I will shoot you. Cameron Kirkconnell

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Old 06-11-2008, 06:52 AM   #2
kill shot
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Re: Cuidado

Hmm, never really crossed my mind as a participant. Thanks for bringing it out in the open and giving us all something to think about and consider. I would think that trolling up marlin in a tournament would be kind of off base and I would not really be into that if this was part of the intention of the tournament.
Very interesting topic, I am sure there will be some varied opinions on this.

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Old 06-11-2008, 07:38 AM   #3
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Re: Cuidado

very well put cam.

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Old 06-11-2008, 07:52 AM   #4
Matt Head
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Re: Cuidado

Well said for a Floredneck
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Old 06-11-2008, 03:42 PM   #5
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Re: Cuidado

Hey Guys,

There has been some serious discussion around spear-tagging of pelagics here in NZ, using standard fish tags and satalite tags. So far, kingfish, marlin, mako sharks, and several other species have all been successfully tagged by spear in NZ, and there are efforts to spread the word. If it's of interest, I'll dig up the email I recieved about this and post it. Maybe you could convince the tourney heads to incorporate this into the competition. It would certainly be a "first".

One of the arguments for this method points out that the fish are not hooked and fought boatside before recieving the tag, so it offers a chance to observe fish that weren't forced to total exaustion before tagging.
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Old 06-11-2008, 04:21 PM   #6
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Re: Cuidado

I just ran accross this on The Fishing Website (www.fishing.net.nz) and is basically the same as what I was emailed. Spear-tagging sounds pretty cool to me.

Origin: Graham Mackereth
Forwarded to: Bob Rosemergy

On Saturday 21 June the ITM fishing show will show some footage of me tagging fish with a spear gun. I thought your Newsletter readers may like to know what spear tagging is about and why I have developed it. Over the last year I have tagged blue and mako sharks, kingies and recently a marlin with the speargun.

I just got back from the Wanganella's where over two days I would have swum with about 35 to 50 striped marlin, most of them in groups of 2 to 7. I had no difficult swimming within 2 metres of them. I was not there to kill one but did put a satellite tag into one with my modified spear gun. Putting the bulky satellite into a fish was much harder than shooting the tiny game tags which behave more like a conventional spear. The data from the sat tag will be very interesting, we should be able to compare the behaviour of the fish with those that are dragged to a boat by fishos and then tagged.

You may be amused to know that the world spear tagging honours board currently looks like this:

Blue shark 70kg Manukau bar G Mackereth
Mako Shark 100kg Ranfury banks G Mackereth
Striped Marlin 85kg Wanganella banks G Mackereth
King fish 20kg Lotton point G Mackereth
Boarfish ?kg Whitianga D Herbert

I have the first four on film. Strictly speaking game tags should be used on gamefish only, but good on Dwaine for whacking a boarfish.

When I developed the tagging I had no idea that it would open a whole new field of spearfishing endeavour - such as shooting 100kg mako sharks! Which are not normally on the target list for spearos. Eventually I hope to have shot or tagged all the major game fish including those thought of as too dangerous or noble or rare to shoot.

Obviously, I am keen for others to start tagging - and if people want the tags and applicators they can write to me at laracs@xtra.co.nz. They fit on a threaded spear shaft and will work with overseas tags as well as ours.

There are still some easy ways to get on the honours board - like first bronzy tagged or a bigger kingfish, and of course bluefin. But before you get too excited - it is not as easy as spearfishing. You have to train yourself not to hit the lateral line, but rather the meaty area between the dorsal fin and lateral line, and you have to shoot from the rear to prevent damage to the fish. An exit strategy is needed when tagging sharks.

I don't know the exact content but the ITM show will probably favour a fisho's perspective rather that a spearo's point of view. So to make it clear what I am on about. I firmly support the right of recreational fishers including spearo's to take fish, but encourage them to use those rights judiciously with the future in mind. I hope that comes through in the show. I am no saint in the matter and still take a good number of fish, but I think it an appropriate intention.

Graham Mackereth
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Old 06-11-2008, 04:35 PM   #7
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Re: Cuidado

Yea, but can you tag chubs?

Seriously, I think it's a great idea. It lets us do our thing with even less harm to the fish than sportfisher's who tag and release.

There's no doubt that we could use the good press.
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Old 06-24-2008, 07:38 AM   #8
Daryl Balfour
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Re: Cuidado

If it is legal according to CR laws, and within the rules/record parameters of IUSA &/or IBSRC, I see no reason why contestants should not target a billfish by trolling. The comp rules only allow for one billfish per diver for the whole tournament, so I know I'm not going to be spearing sailfish or small marlin at all, will pass these up in the hope that a record fish comes along. Discussing this with Virgili recently - he was here in Cape Town with me - it looks like boats/teams will only be allowed to employ trolling tactics on one day of the tournament. In any case, most bwh embrace "release and catch" philosophies. Having spoken to renowned marine biologists over the years I get the impression that most line fishermen who release a big billfish after a long fight are probably letting it go to its death anyway...either to sharks attracted by the fight, or drowning caused by exhaustion. It makes the fishermen feel good, but I guess the fish does not feel so good about it.

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Old 06-25-2008, 07:22 AM   #9
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Re: Cuidado

Hope you guys have a great time!
I think the event will be great and hope to see everyone back in Cape town next year in May for some big Tuna.
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Old 06-25-2008, 01:21 PM   #10
kill shot
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Re: Cuidado

Originally Posted by Wilddiver View Post
If it is legal according to CR laws, and within the rules/record parameters of IUSA &/or IBSRC, I see no reason why contestants should not target a billfish by trolling. The comp rules only allow for one billfish per diver for the whole tournament, so I know I'm not going to be spearing sailfish or small marlin at all, will pass these up in the hope that a record fish comes along. Discussing this with Virgili recently - he was here in Cape Town with me - it looks like boats/teams will only be allowed to employ trolling tactics on one day of the tournament. In any case, most bwh embrace "release and catch" philosophies. Having spoken to renowned marine biologists over the years I get the impression that most line fishermen who release a big billfish after a long fight are probably letting it go to its death anyway...either to sharks attracted by the fight, or drowning caused by exhaustion. It makes the fishermen feel good, but I guess the fish does not feel so good about it.
Trolling for marlin with mutilple guys on the boat I don't think will work Daryl. It really is a one man thing to do safely. Three guys jump in to shoot at a marlin could be real dangerous.
It is definitely possible to do the trolling thing but one man at a time.

The billfish die on a regular occurance here becasue of the sharks up near what we call the Elbow and the Gunsight. Gail herself has been sharked on billfish here. 450lb marlin one minute and 800lb bull the next on the end of the line.
Billfisherman can tell you whatever they want but more fish die to the line every year then us spearos shooting them.
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Old 06-25-2008, 07:31 AM   #11
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Re: Cuidado

Very well stated, Cam. I agree with your position. I don't have your experience with tournaments, but what you are saying makes very good sense.

Chad: I also agree with you about the tagging.
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Old 06-27-2008, 05:15 AM   #12
Daryl Balfour
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Re: Cuidado

Yeah, It is obviously going to be a rule decided at the skippers and captains meeting that only one diver is allowed in the water at a time when trolling. I discussed all this with Virgili last week, and he is quite sure on that...only one diver in when trolling (or when a billfish rises to the lure). Basically the way it is done everywhere. So guys on a boat together will have to draw straws on order of water entry and abide by that...luck of the draw if on your turn you get a 200 kg marlin and your
buddy gets a 400 kg fish on his turn.

By the way both Tommy and his partner (in crime) Anthon will be in Costa Rica in January. With Sheri Daye, Roberto Reyes, hopefully Daryl Wong and Zak Zuccaro it will be an all star cast!!! Quite a bunch of other South Africans also interested and I think Louis from Rabitech is also very keen to make the trip...

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Old 08-07-2008, 09:55 AM   #13
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Re: Cuidado

Has there been anymore discussion on this subject with the charter captains down there in Costa Rica?
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Old 08-07-2008, 10:48 AM   #14
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Re: Cuidado

Hi Eric,
thank's for your feedback!
I will be there one week before the Open and it will be done with some details.
I plan first to discuss with the Captain in charge of the other captains and with the very well experienced guest divers, in order to decide if this "trolling opportunity" has to be offered or not to the divers during the Open.
The CR Open rules refer to IBSRC in particular... and I do ot plan to create new spearfishing rules!!
Then ( if we decide this), I will open this interesting debate during the Cpt/ divers/ organizers meeting.
Only if a divers majority is OK, we could accept that trolling will be organized and with the safety++ recommandations (for example: only one diver in the water during the action..) and only during a couple of days.
These billfish will be obviously not eligible for the Open.
Only billfish taken by free swimming is eligible
"Pura Vida"
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